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Pivotal Sales

Pivotal is dedicated to training children in the way they should go! She is gifted to give the raw and uncompromised word of God in a perspective that children grasp, understand, and apply

Mic Sykes

Ready to hit the streets? Reach the lost? Win souls for the Kingdom? Well Mic is your guy! He is ready and prepared to take on any evangelistic endeavor and trains the Mini G's in the gift of evangelism. You may catch the Mini G's on the streets, at the park, or in your home, evangelizing and sharing the love of Jesus. Will you join them?

Shawn Collins

Shawn guides the talents! She does it all, from coaching the dance team to training the singers and graphic designers. Shawn supplies them with what's needed for success: encouragement, constructive criticism, supplies, hugs, love, and the like! Lets give a hand clap for Shawn...

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Train Up A Child...

Gifts & Talents of the Mini G's


Be ExaltedOh What Love

Video Editing and Dancing

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